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Sword Art Online Hollow Realization Deluxe Edition Lvl 80 Boost When?

ReeevY wrote: ↑

Lord's day October 29, 2017 7:12 am

qweasdzxc17 wrote: ↑

Sabbatum Oct 28, 2017 6:17 pm

Observe Any quantity in your inventory past scanning for it eg. (140B65D84 4 bytes 9999) -> Add address to cheat table -> correct click -> Browse this retentiveness reigon.

In the 2nd half of that window yous should see a blueprint similar 54 01 67 00 0F 27 followed by xviii x 00 then another of the first type
[5B 00 67 00 0F 27] [00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00] [5F 00 67 00 06 27]

Goto the terminate + eighteen x 00 and so add together this [54 01 67 00 0F 27]
[5B 00 67 00 0F 27] [00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00] [5F 00 67 00 06 27] [00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00] [54 01 67 00 0F 27]

Code: Select all

                    Detail Id        Space      Quantity (Piddling Endian)     |             |                        | 54 01 67         00                     0F 27                                      

Well I am fairly new to this, but post-obit qweasdzxc17 I was able to modify values for equipment, and then hither it is:
1 Buy a short sword put in the werehouse, you dont demand to practice this step (but information technology is easyer to detect where start the particular id and where it ends)
two If you bought the sword expect for the id:
32 00 01
should be something like this:
32 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (21 pair of 00 later 01)
[00 00] represents the weapon id (first ii pair, in this case the short sword 32 00)
[00] represents the weapon type (01 one-handed sword)
[00] is the stage of the enhacement of the weapon(short sword+1,+two...etc)
[00 00 00 00 00 00] (here it is the weapons buff, instance vit+ sp+ hp+, all of its buff are listed here)
[00 00 00 00] (information technology is the sacrament/crystal slot of the weapon, further buffs the weapon)
[00 00]Rarity of the weapon (number of stars)
[00 00 00 00 00 00] Aparently does nothing.

Sooooo if you want a Paragon Katana Ame no murakumo +9 4stars with two diamond sacrament +8% with huge boost in vit,agi and sp should be something like this

D0 07 08 89 E7 7F E9 7F E2 7F 92 B6 92 B6 3B 62 7F 7F 00 00 00 00 00 00

D0 07-Particular ID/ 08 - Weapon Type/ 89 - Weapon Enhacement/ E7 7F E9 7F E2 7F - Weapon Buffs/ 92 B6 92 B6 - Sacrament/Crystals/ 3B 62 - Rarity/ 7F 7F - Oracle/ 00 00 00 00 00 00- DONT KNOW/

D0 07 ------> This are the id for the PARAGON WEAPONS
46 07 -------> Tier One Legendary weapon (example:ASMODEUS)
47 07---------> Tier Two Legendary weapon(example:FINAL Barrage)
48 07 ----------->Tier Three Legendary weapon(case:TYRFING)
Weapon types
01 - I HANDED SWORD, 02 - RAPIER, 03 - SCIMITAR, 04 - DAGGER, 06 - Club, 08 - KATANA, 14 - Nifty SWORD, 15 - AXE, xvi - SPEAR

Weapon Enhacement
89 = +nine

Weapon Buff (7F is the magnitude of the vitrify)
E1 7F HP +102300
E2 7F SP +1023
E3 7F assail +1023
E4 7F defense +1023
E6 7F STR +1023
E7 7F VIT +1023
E8 7F DEX +1023
E9 7F AGI +1023
EA 7F Luck +1023
EB 7F Slashing Resistance +1023
EC 7F Thrusting Resistance +1023
ED 7F Blunt Resistance +1023
EF 7F stun resistance +1023
F0 7F Knock Downwards Resistance +1023
F1 7F Critical Resistance +1023
F2 7F Toxicant Resistance +1023
F3 7F Numb Resistance +1023
F4 7F Bleed REsistance +1023
F5 7F Concrete Resistance +1023
F6 7F Soul Resistance +1023
F7 7F Parameter Debuff Resistance +1023

SACRAMENT CRYSTALS:(First 2 numbers blazon of the crystal, the other two its result, example 9E Crit A9 ATk +five%...)
51 9E Disquisitional CRYSTAL

Rarity(need a effect vitrify to take effect)
3B 62 - 4STARS

That is all some id i got from a youtuber that uses wizard to edit the ps4 save data of hollow realization
Credits to him: AHK Al-Kaabi
and to qweasdzxc17 for finding the werehouse adress.

Here you go an inventory mouse arrow thing that works. Simply highlight the item with your mouse and :D . Basically, the script is just used to hijack the accost that will be displayed and employ information technology for our purpose. Nearly all condition works except for the i you are equipped with because it is stored in a different address for that. The workaround is to lock the equipment and go to the modify equipment screen to permanently modify it. Remember to turn information technology off in one case you changed it or else things would happen. Or you can simply edit it and and then equip it, waaay easier. Too drop down for everything except for the IDs and the rarity, which I found as well contains abilities which are hidden if your enchantment is not x80 or above. Don't know if anyone wants to brand the table for all the IDs >.>

anyone know how to do conditional dropdown carte du jour ?
at that place is a dissimilar id list for all types
how to get in so that you see simply one type and hide others while you are under this type?

ps. At that place are many x40 hex offsets that I don't know the meaning for it.
pss. decimal value 3700 is the showtime id, ends at 3743, for the HEROINE costume that y'all unlock for the 250 emotion matter
weaker ver at 3600-3655

[Link] <- example for changing the visualization armor id to 3638
images bear witness that I am not wearing that armor but the visualization is of that armor

To clarify some points, I volition put x before a number to bear witness that it is a hexadecimal value.

Enchantment is one of the x40 offsets. And so x80 will give yous +0 + unlocking the hidden ability stored in the rarity id thing + the original equipment ability you get from enchanting information technology.

For the vitrify value, utilize the equation given in the tabular array to calculate the amount (max is 1023, or 102300 for HP).
The +X is in the buff drib downward list with the +0 one showing the base value of the buff

Vitrify = STR +five, Amount = x
and then value = Amount x base of operations + ((base)/8) x v = 10x8 + (8/8)x5 = > STR +85

The sacrament/crystal too has an offset of x40. You volition get the same stats for +x40 to the value in the sacrament/crystal table. Changing the offset didn't show whatsoever hidden ability so I don't know what it is for. Also there is 3 extra that is not part of this offset thing.

The ability from the sacrament/crystal tin can exist used without the sacrament/crystal. Edit: Sorry, not truthful, needs something in it to piece of work :?
If the power isn't showing, change the enchantment to 128 or x80. up to x8F is fine

ps: fabricated the dropdowns by literally +1 every time and copying the items by typing :|

Made a tiny fix to the table (missed the shield and forgot to delete some hotkeys that I left in that location)
Also found out the tabular array tin show all the item, even the ones in the shops. Nevertheless, but the changes in the warehouse and inventory are permanent


Found out that you can't just look at the bytes, yous have to go to binary to make sense of the values.
Now the buff will be the same equally the one it shows on the screen, which means no more calculations :lol: Had to add a is Negative tab merely to make certain that people can change information technology back to positive if it somehow is negative :)
Then I idea that buff is just divide in half but no.

This is how 2 byte of buff looks like

Code: Select all

                          negative sign  value    buff ID                    |          |         | buff in binary :   0     0000000000   00000                      

couldn't get the sign to show for a 11 bit variable :? That is why there is an extra tab for is negative

This thread likewise found out that the buff is stored as above (in Japanese)
and then i can say that information technology is conformed that it is true :D

likewise the 2bit at the terminate of the enchantment is probably the # of ability that the item can accept

Perhaps the rarity tab is likewise the same. Will bank check later on.

New update: :lol:

  • fix the error with the buff names (converting to binary type while the variable was displaying Hex acquired that problem)
  • added on/off for the abilities (which was called rarity)
    • type power and ability one on/off is stored in the outset two bits in the enchantment(Byte size)
    • ability 2,3 on/off is stored in the first 2 bit of Abilities (2Byte size originally the rarity)
  • ID list for the abilities is not made notwithstanding
  • it is possible that the ID in the list tin can be cleaved down into more detail (haven't checked)
  • Left the ability ID in Hex(contains the on/off bit for ability 2,3) , decimal and binary to see if someone can make a sense of it.
  • there is a large amount of empty IDs
  • setting ability 3 on will overwrite the power you get from enchanting the item fifty-fifty when ability 3 in the ID is empty
    type power for boots is motion speed upward (doesn't show up if your enchantment is 0)
    boot + 9 will give movement speed up + 15%
    say that ability ID 0 is used, which obviously mean that ability 1,2,3 are all empty
    if you set ability 3 when it is empty, then it volition only be boot + 9

For those who wants to understand what the code in the Japanese website that did the save data modding does here you go
Japanese sao relieve data modding
PS4 save sorcerer quick code format

NEW UPDATE 2 more pointers :D

  • DELETED the previous bad ones
  • Fabricated the Equipment tab less wordy by spacing the things
  • Put the negative in the buff amount tab, but max is nonetheless 1023. Annihilation greater will just become negative


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